Today, people expect personalised experiences everywhere, at any time and in good quality. Still, companies struggle to deliver holistically personalised experiences, to make correct use of data and to give offers that human touch that makes a real difference.

In our webinar, we ask 3 experienced personalisation experts what personalisation means to them, and how they translate it in practice. 3 points of view, 3 different backgrounds and a lot of valuable take-aways that are directly applicable in your daily work.

Join a panel discussion between David Mannheim (Founder of Made with Intent), Christoph Rottler (Managing Director DACH Kameleoon) and Dr. Julia Engelmann (Principal Data Sciences konversionsKRAFT) to understand:






How to quit the siloed approach and join team forces to make personalisation great






Why C-Level Buy-In is relevant, but top-down strategies won’t work






Where to start when it comes to establishing personalisation processes






What the next years are holding for personalisation efforts


The panelists

Bild von David Mannheim
David Mannheim
Conversion Optimisation Consultant
Made with Intent

David is not just ‘any’ conversion specialist. He brings with him a wealth of experience in conversion optimisation that is coupled with a remarkable expertise and considers himself a strong advocate for, and experienced in the world of Personalisation. He founded User Conversion which was acquired by Brainlabs and now the author of “The Person in Personalisation”. His mission is to help retailers care more for their customers by listening, being appropriate, being familiar and creating a relationship. He is doing that through his new start up, Made With Intent, a platform that helps retailers do just this by diligently understanding customer intent.
Fun Fact: David is a big kid, a big Disney fan and a big geek.

Bild von Christoph Rottler
Christoph Rottler
Managing Director DACH

With over 10 years of experience in A/B testing and personalisation, Christoph has completed hundreds of conversion optimisation projects from SEA/ SMA to on-page campaigns and draws on a wealth of experience from all industries.

Bild von Dr. Julia Engelmann
Dr. Julia Engelmann
Principal Data Sciences

As Principal Data Science, Dr. Julia Engelmann is in charge of managing data analytics, web analytics, statistics and data science. Her main focus is on gaining relevant insights into user behaviour from the data and models for effective optimisation and personalisation of the digital customer journey.


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